Sunday, July 10, 2011

Wanna sample my homemade soaps??

I've been trying to make soap lately.  It's actually not as difficult as I thought it was going to be, but it requires a LOT of patience.  The soap bars have to cure or air-dry (or else the bar won't last very long) for a few weeks.  In preparation for my soap-making adventures, I read a lot of books, watched YouTube videos, and read blogs about how to make soap.  The process is a little tricky in that it calls for lye, which is a very caustic chemical.  Other than that, it's just a combination of oils that you can get from the grocery store.

I'm looking for a few people that would be willing to sample my soaps and give me some feedback on them.  At the present time, I have 3 different soaps that are ready for sampling.  You would receive a sample size of each soap and all I ask is that you use it a few times and tell me what you think about it.   The first bar is unscented with lavender buds added for texture.  The second one is unscented as well, but nothing else added.  The third one is goat's milk and honey.  I might come up with some sort of rating sheet to include with the soaps that you can mail/email back to me.  In return for your help, you will receive a full-sized bar of your favorite soap (plus some extra goodies).

Since I am waiting on a soap mold (waiting on my DH to make it), it might be a while before I can send out more samples.  As I said, I have 3 different soaps ready at this time.  If you are interested, just email me - hanafordvalleyfarm "at" comcast "dot" net.  I only have a few samples of each soap available so let me know if you're interested.

****UPDATE 8/30/2011****

So no one took me up on my offer for the soaps....leaving us with a LOT of soap to use at home.  It feels good not to have to buy soap at the store anymore.  Just yesterday, after doing some vehicle maintenance, my DH came in and washed his hands.  "I LOVE your soap!" - were his exact words.  He was working on the brakes so he had grease, dirt, and grime all over his hands making them black.  Using my unscented soap with lavender buds, he washed his hands and all (yes, I mean ALL) that grime came off.  Other than what he couldn't clean under his fingernails, you wouldn't have known he was working on a clean!  I am proud, even if our soaps are for just our own use. :)