I don't understand how one person, or a small group of people, can make laws or regulations that effects how millions of people eat. I understand about safety, I understand about general guidelines, but if a person (or a family) wants to grow and raise their own food - why not? And if they have an abundance, shouldn't it be their right to decide whether or not to share with their community? Isn't this how it's been done for the last few hundred years?? Some of these officials believe that it is a woman's choice to have an abortion, yet we can't decide what to eat???
It frustrates me so! Laws written to protect the many from the few.... ugh! I know that my animals are healthy and that the milk and eggs and meat that they provide will not make me sick. I don't know what the chemicals in the processed foods will do to me - especially in the long run. I do know that I've never felt better or healthier - ever. I do know that my son, who was diagnosed as Autistic, who was severely violent 2 1/2 years ago, who refused to learn anything from anyone - has shown me that our decision to get processed foods out of our system has been the best thing that I could have ever done for my children.